
Wilfrid’s Cafe Grants

The recipients of Wilfrid’s Cafe Grants 2023 were announced by the Cafe Board on 9th August 2023:

OrganisationAmountWhat was the grant for?
FODC £500.00 Towards a new AV system for the church
Horace Chappell £200.00 Towards expenses for building a library in Ghana
Carys Wigglesworth £200.00 Towards expenses in representing GB in Roller Derby
Charlotte Wright £200.00 Towards expenses in representing GB in Roller Derby
Allotments £300.00 Fencing to keep badgers out of allotments
Droxford Junior School £250.00 Towards STEM car named ‘The Drox’
FODC£1,000.00 Cutting back dead and dangerous branches in the churchyard
Scouts £1,200.00 Towards replacing roof on Scout hut
Droxford Cricket Club £750.00 Towards a new roller lawn mower
Village Hall £500.00 Towards replacement of village hall curtains and refurbishment
PCC £1,450.00 Towards church heating repair/upgrade
Book phone box £200.00 Towards refurbishment and repairs to Book phone box
FODC £750.00 Towards maintenance of the church
Bellringers £500.00 To replace clapper bolt and muffles